Photoshop Tips You Need To Know

Published on January 11 2016

If you are new to photo editing and think that you need to update your editing skills, here are some tips to streamline your editing skills. These tips will also help you work faster and smarter.

1. Combining images with texts is one of the most basic tricks in photoshop. Now, to overlay an image on top of a text, you have to drop an image layer over a type layer then hold down Alt and click the line between the two layers in the Layers Panel to clip the image to the text.

2. When trying to make rotating patterns, you can use keyboard shortcuts to limit your time and improve your productivity. For making amazing rotating or kaleidoscopic patterns with the help of a keyboard shortcut, you need to press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T  on your keyboard. This lets you duplicate a layer and repeat transformations in one go. First, make an initial rotation by pressing 
Cmd/Ctrl+T and turning slightly, then hit Enter to apply. Next, press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T repeatedly to create a pattern.

Photoshop Editing

Photoshop Editing

3. When you are zoomed in close, hold down H and drag in the image to instantly dart out to full screen then jump back to another area.

4. To change the default background into something of your choice, shift–click over the background area with the Paint Bucket tool to fill it with your foreground colour. Right-click it to go back to grey if you want to keep it the way it was.

5. Use colour coding to organise your Layers Panel. Right-click over a layer’s eye icon to quickly access 8 colour code choices.

6. To close all of your documents at the same time, Shift-click any image window’s close icon.

7. For interactive zooming, hold Cmd/Ctrl+Space then drag right to zoom in, or left to zoom out. The zoom targets where your mouse icon is, so it’s one of the quickest ways to navigate around an image.

Professional Photoshop Edit

Professional Photoshop Edit

8. The Diffuse Glow filter can give highlights a soft ethereal feel, especially when you combine the effect with desaturation. Hit D to reset colours then go to Filter>Distort>Diffuse Glow. Keep the effect fairly subtle, then go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation and drop the saturation down to complete the dreamlike effect.

9. Shift + or – will cycle through different layer Blend Modes, so long as you don’t have a tool that uses Blend Mode options settings.

Apart from tips, there are also some shortcuts you can use to improve your productivity.

10. Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E will merge a copy of all Layers.

11. F Cycle through workspace backgrounds.

12. X Change your foreground and background colours.

13. D Reset foreground and background colours to black and white.

14. ] and [ Change your brush tip size.

15. Cmd/Ctrl+J duplicate a layer or selection.

16. Space Bar Hold Space and drag to navigate around the image.

17. TAB Hides or shows all panels and tools.

18. Cmd/Ctrl+T transform a layer.

19. Cmd/Ctrl+E Merge selected layer down, or merges several highlighted layers.

20. To quickly batch process a group of images, open them all in Adobe Camera Raw (the easiest way to do this is through Adobe Bridge) and then click Select All. Now, any changes you make to one image will be applied to all the open files.

Written by Sonia Nishat

Published on #Photoshop, #Photoshop Tips, #Photoshop Editing, #Photo Editing

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